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A blog by sunfishcode

First-Class I/O

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@withoutBoats makes this observation about Rust in "Notes on a smaller Rust":

Pure functional programming is an ingenious trick to show you can code without mutation, but Rust is an even cleverer trick to show you can just have mutation.

A particular aspect I'd like to explore here is: Can we apply this observation to I/O?

Haskell also has an ingenious trick to do first-class I/O without mutation. So, can we have first-class I/O in Rust that just uses mutation?

What is First-Class I/O?

As in Haskell, first-class I/O in Rust would mean functions that do I/O would do so through values which can be passed around the program as arguments or return values:

fn do_some_io(f: &File) -> io::Result<()> {

File here is an example of a first-class value which represents a resource that supports I/O. But unlike Haskell, instead of using monads, File here just has side-effecting operations like read and write.

Of course, Rust already has lots of these kinds of types, including in the standard library with types like File and TcpStream. And a lot of Rust code already follows this pattern. Strictly speaking, many of the operations don't take &mut references, but these types conceptually use interior mutability, which isn't unique to I/O.

The remaining piece that Haskell has that Rust doesn't here is that in Haskell, all I/O is done through values which are passed around through the program. Any function which does I/O says so in its signature. In Rust, when a function has a File argument in its signature, you know it's going to do I/O using that File, but a function which doesn't have File or any other I/O type might still access files.

Of course, monads in Haskell have many other uses too. This blog post is just looking at I/O operations in function signatures, which has implications for how two otherwise unrelated pieces of code interact, as well as for one piece of code can redirect the I/O of another.

Example: Stdout

An example in Rust of code that uses global I/O is std::io::stdout. Any code can call this and obtain a Stdout value that can do I/O without having any mention of it in the surrounding function's signature. Stdout uses a builtin mutex, even though many use cases don't need that, and is a common performance pitfall. Diligent users can of course use StdoutLock to reduce the performance impact in some cases, but what if we could eliminate the builtin mutex altogether?

What if stdout was a value that a program would acquire once, and then pass around to all functions that want to print to it? Using Rust's usual ownership and borrowing rules, it wouldn't need a mutex for many use cases. And users could of course still explicitly wrap it in a Mutex or similar in cases where they really want shared access to it, just like anything else in Rust.

The io-streams crate has an implementation of this. The StreamWriter::stdout function returns an output stream which writes to the process' standard output. It implements the standard Write trait so it's easy to use, and it conceptually owns its resource, so it doesn't need a builtin mutex.

Behind the scenes, this function actually acquires a StdoutLock to prevent accidental mixing of std::io::stdout usage with StreamWriter::stdout usage, to uphold its exclusive ownership assumption.

Example: Files

As another example, any code can do File::open(...) and pass it a string, to open any file in the process' filesystem namespace, without declaring it in a function signature.

This means that if you want to run piece of code that does this in a different directory, the only way to do so is to create a new process, with a new filesystem namespace. This is a very heavy-weight operation, both in terms of performance and memory usage, but also in terms of portability and complexity.

Some codebases have a convention of having a "root" path that is passed in that everything is relative to, which helps, but doesn't enforce that all paths are relative to the root, or that paths don't lead outside the root using ...

The cap-std crate has a Dir type, which represents a directory, which can make filesystem access a first-class part of a function's signature, and allow callers to specify a different directory for the I/O to happen in. And, it also performs sandboxing, ensuring that paths relative to the Dir stay within the Dir.

Filesystems are effectively pools of aliased mutable state, and with relatively weak synchronization primitives. While cap-std doesn't address all the problems that can arise from this, it can be one tool for helping manage this state with standard Rust idioms.

Tangent: Rethinking "pure" functions

Rust doesn't have a way to declare functions as "pure", having no side effects.

fn this_is_pure(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
   x + y

(As an aside, this function could panic on overflow; in what follows, I assume "pure" permits panics.)

Features to enable this have been proposed a few times, but they haven't been added to the language, in part because the need for such features tends to be lower in Rust than other languages. From an optimizer perspective, this property can often be inferred, at least in simple cases.

And from a programmer perspective, programmers don't need "pure" to know whether arguments are mutated or not, because in Rust, these things are already declared, reliably, in the signature. The presence or absence of &mut or types with interior mutability tells you everything you need to know about which arguments could be mutated. As such, much of what "pure" would mean would be redundant with information which is already there:

/// Can you guess which state this function mutates?
fn increment(x: &mut i32) {
   // You're right!
   *x += 1;

The things that aren't covered by the signature are global mutable state and I/O. Global mutable state tends to be less important in Rust than other languages because Rust pretty strongly discourages global mutable state.

However, Rust doesn't outright prohibit global mutable state, and doesn't really discourage global I/O, which is present even in the standard library.

So instead of a "pure", that prohibits all mutations, the more interesting property would be what I'll call "explicit", which would mean "no global mutable state or I/O". When used on a function with no &mut or interior-mutable types in the signature, "explicit" would be the same as "pure", and could be declared as "pure" to optimizers. However, "explicit" could be used in functions that do have mutable arguments too, where it would indicate that those are the only things that are mutated.

/// All mutations and I/O are accounted for!
fn this_is_explicit(f: &File, x: &mut i32) -> io::Result<()> {
    writeln!(f, "hello world")?;
    *x += 1;

The "explicit" property would also serve to indicate a lack of ambient authority, from a capability-oriented security perspective.

Would it make sense to add an "explicit" keyword to Rust then? Probably not as such; it's likely that the majority of functions in Rust would qualify as "explicit", so adding it as a function attribute would add a lot of clutter. A more ergonomic approach might be to give crates a way to declare that all their functions are explicit, with a way to opt out for individual functions.

A possible direction for future exploration would be to use the rustc driver API to create a custom static analysis tool that could recognize some form of syntax for this and then check that "explicit" functions don't accidentally call "non-explicit" functions without explicit overrides, much like unsafe.


First-class I/O points to a way of thinking about software where "the machine" it's running on or "the process" it's running in aren't the focus. Instead of ad-hoc conventions for coordinating access to a shared filesystem namespace or other process-associated resources, code using first-class I/O can pass values around to manage its I/O resources similar to how it already manages other program resources.

First-class I/O can be a useful concept to apply broadly, such as how capability-oriented security helps enable shared-nothing linking. It can also be useful to apply incrementally, such as how the io-streams crate or the cap-std crate can help parts of a program cooperate with each other efficiently and idiomatically.

Thanks to Pat Hickey and Luke Wagner for feedback on this post!